2024 KILC Korean language Speech Contest


A Korean speech contest was held, where second-year Korean language students recorded videos of approximately three minutes in Korean and submitted them by the end of April to Korean teacher. The themes included family, travel, and memories. Mrs. Natalie organized an event and actively encouraged students to participate. To ensure fairness, three Korean language professors teaching in Kazakhstan evaluated the students’ speeches. The award ceremony took place on Tuesday, May 14th, at 5 p.m., where students were presented with certificates and KILC merchandise.

1st place2nd place3rd place
Baimagambetova Dilnaz Asylkhanovna (AI22-1)  Rustemova Jamilya Timurovna (PD22-1)  Ussupova Danazhan Erzhanovna (PD22-3)



The Korean language students shared their experiences openly in Korean, speaking about their own experiences. They demonstrated not only their Korean speaking skills but also various talents such as video editing and translating their speeches into English to insert into their videos.

Through this contest, they exhibited their passion for learning Korean and their diverse talents. We hope to see even more students participate in the next contest.Article written by Subeen Park

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